We are pleased to announce the opening of a new Mechanical Services Division in Stone Ridge, Virginia. The goal for the Virginia office is to first capitalize on market opportunities and build a strong base of core Mechanical Service customers. We have located the new office so we can efficiently serve Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William counties.

As you all know we have been on a fairly aggressive expansion plan. The addition of this location makes a lot of sense and fits our model for growth. As the Virginia based business grows, emphasis on Tustin Water, Energy, Fire Protection, and Construction services will be aggressively promoted to increase its value to customers.
Jeff Marsh, who lives in the area will be the Service Manager, while Karen Leon will be our Building Services Consultant. Until sales can sustain a full-service office, Tustin’s Maryland office, under the guidance of Frank Pronesti, will function as the backbone. Jeff Lagnese will support operations and pricing verification, Sarah Wood will handle administrative duties, and Justin McArthur will lend a hand in sales. Connie Miller and Jim Moscariello, from TTG’s corporate office will also assist in sales training.
We are extremely excited about the new opportunities this will create for the Tustin Group and are very confident the Tustin support team will make the opening and growth of the new Virginia office a seamless one.